by Meredith Rice, Strategic Marketing Intern
It was a very strange day when my mother finally told me she was on facebook.
“You’re on WHAT?!!”
Facebook was my world; the world which some kid, almost my age, had created for, well, kids my age. So when my 40/50-something year old mom (don’t worry, I won’t spill the beans) told me she had entered into MY world, I was shocked. Today, I come to find that the largest number of women who are on the ‘book are between 35 and 44. What’s the online world coming to?
I remember the day I signed up for facebook. I had anxiously anticipated receiving probably the most important piece of mail regarding college (besides the acceptance letter) the letter with my college e-mail address. It was the golden ticket to be able to sign up for facebook. So when I was locked in my room all day, friending and uploading pictures, my mom couldn’t understand the point of it, or why I was on it (literally) 50 times a day.
In time, I slowly began to accept that fact that facebook had opened up its doors to new residents to share in the same love I initially had for the social media world. When facebook started to change its face, it first let in the young whipper-snapper high schoolers (which I was NOT happy about – high school was sooo 1 year ago…) and then it was the businesses (what? why?) and finally it was the general public (ah!!) With this, my mom eventually came to understand what the appeal was. A few days after the shock of knowing my mom had joined my universe, I was able to understand why she herself would want to be a part, even if it was just to play ‘Scrabble’ or connect with a few old high school classmates. I could accept that – but there was no way I was accepting her friend request.
But with the number of facebook users hitting the 300 million mark just the other day, and user profiles being as varied as snowflakes, I guess it’s time for me to catch up with the times and get over myself.
So needless to say, today was another big day for me. I bit the bullet and finally friended my mom. I guess as facebook has grown up and matured, I have too – enough to really let my mom in. On limited profile of course.
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