Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tracking Growth on Twitter

The Pew Internet folks released a new study on Twitter this week and the AMP Integrated Public Relations team did a topline analysis of the findings. As you’ll see it's certainly a growing space!


  • A Pew Internet Project report released this week (10/21/09) reveals rapid growth on Twitter

  • 19% of U.S. Internet users are on Twitter or similar microblogging services (Twitter being the dominant service) - up from 11% in April 2009

  • While Twitter usage has grown among all age demographics, usage among 18 - 24 year-olds has grown most rapidly

Growth among age demographics since December 2008:

  • Twitter and other status services were most popular among those 18-24; usage nearly doubled from 19% in December 2008 to 37%

  • 25 - 35 year-olds rapidly joined the fray - up 20 points to 31% of this age demographic using Twitter

  • Usage among 35 - 44 year-olds jumped 10 points to 19%

  • Older demographics were slower to adopt Twitter use, but still grew with 45 - 54 and 55 - 64 age brackets totaling 10% each

  • Only 4% of the 65+ demo is on Twitter

  • Despite lower numbers, these age brackets have still increased by 5%, 6%, and 2% respectively since December 2008

What this information tells us:

  • The definition of "active" on Twitter is shifting - many consumers are on Twitter and are considered active despite the fact that they do not always contribute to the conversation - they are on Twitter following celebrities, news, and brands and seeking information and news on Twitter though they may not always be contributing to the conversation by Tweeting. It is being used as a news and search tool

  • Twitter is trending for continued growth and expanded use, especially among a younger demographic

1 comment:

  1. A few more mind blowing stats. Twitter was just valued at 1 billion dollars ( and just saw the 5 billionth tweet posted, aka the "Pentagigatweet."
