Monday, June 8, 2009

Thankfully It's Not Pay Per Minute...

by Jason Rivera - Director, Consumer Insights

Nielsen Online just shared some stats about the amount of time being spent on top social networking sites. In the US alone in April ‘09, we spent a collective 13.9 billion minutes on Facebook! 13.9 billion!!! That’s a 700% year-over-year increase from last April.

How long is that in conceivable time, you ask?

13,900,000,000 / 60 minutes = 231,666,666 million hours

231,666,666 / 24 hours = 9,652,777 days

9,652,777 days / 365 days = 26,446 years of time spent in just one month

26,446 years ago, Neanderthals and Woolly Mammoths ruled the earth (for real). It’s amazing that humans can pass that much time on one website in one month. What does it mean? Well, there is the old saying of go where your audience is…



  1. Sadly I think I'm responsible for at least one hundred of those minutes. These stats raise some pretty interesting questions - what were we doing with that time before? What have we given up in exchange for our monthly fix of facebook?

  2. Interesting indeed - what *were* we doing with that time before? And how much of this time is passive? While the figures are astounding, I would think some of that time is due to the fact that people are using Facebook for IM and updates throughout the day and they log in 1st thing to check and remain logged in throughout the day.
